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Application for Membership

Click here to apply for Membership


Applications can be submitted:


Submit in person at any General or Executive meeting or at Club Rush. Times and dates of all are found on the General & Exec Meetings tab




Deliver to Dr Surekha Acharya in Quad 120N. You can slip them under her door if she is not in her office. You can also call her at her office to see if she is available: 951-222-8296.


We will be looking at them for the first time from mid-September through the mid-October. Don't delay!

Application for Permanent Membership

Click here for a Permanent Membership Application


A member may apply for permanent membership by having maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher and by having been a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma for at least one term, or by having been a continuing member who has maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher and has been a member for at least two terms may also apply. All applicants have to have completed a minimum of 60 semester units of recognized college courses, with a minimum of 30 of those units completed at a community college.


Alpha Gamma Sigma members who achieve Permanent Member status are so designated on their official transcript, receive a California Alpha Gamma Sigma State Permanent Member Certificate, and an Alpha Gamma Sigma gold seal for their diploma. Permanent Members may also purchase a gold kase membership pin. 

Applications for Spring 2019 Conference Scholarships

Forms are coming as soon as made available to us. 
Two members will be chosen by the President and Advisors to run for the academic scholarships and one member will be chosen to run for the achievement scholarship.

Forms for Attending a Field Trip and for Driving to Conferences:

(ie: Fall Southern Regional Conference also for Spring 2019 Convention in Ontario CA)
Forms Needed for RCC

Form for

Honors Graduation Stole

Click here to order the yellow honors graduation stole/sash.


Email order to BOTH Krystal Ko and

to Adrien Lowrey


Open PDF in Acrobat. Do not open it in your browser window in order to send and fill it out properly to both Professor Lowrey and Krystal. Your email should open twice. It will open the second time after you send the email to Joycee and then again to send to Krystal. If the send button is not working for you, then use our emails printed at the left side of the document (and here) to send your filled out form to us both.


Submit no later than: March 25 and deliver $30 to either Adrien or Krystal Ko by March 25th. No exceptions. You must be a member in good standing (having completed the 12 events) in order to buy the stole and wear it at graduation. If you buy a stole and do not complete the requirements of membership, you will forfeit your money and you will not receive a stole.


Professor Lowrey will be sending a personal check for these stoles, so the money must go to her and not the cashier at RCC.

DMV Report Release of Driving Record Form



Signing and submitting this form releases your driving record to the RCCD insurance office. (Only if you will have other students in the vehicle with you.)


Private Vehicle



Use this form if you want to drive your own personal vehicle for a field trip or event. Please note there are insurance and driving record requirements.

Field Trip Packet



This link will provide you with the policies and procedures for field trips. The necessary forms you will need to fill out are also attached.

Request to Drive District Vehicles


This form is used if you are planning on driving a district vehicle. You must be 21 with a good driving record to be approved.







Amusement Park Discounts for Clubs


Discount flier for on and off campus deals plus tickets at Southern California's largest amusement parks.​




Budget Requisition


Use this form to access your ASRCC line items. Refer to the ASRCC Budget Book to access your look up your line item. 


This is our current budget!


It can be found on RCC's student Club pages.























ASRCCD Transfer


Use this form if you would like to transfer account funds.



ASRCC Event Planning Worksheet


The ASRCC Event Planning Worksheet is required for every event we do. It must be submitted to Deborah Hall at



Food Service Form


Fill out this form anytime you will be serving, giving away, or bringing any food from outside the college. Keep in mind items must be "individually packaged". See the Food Services office for more information.


Half Sheet ASRCCD Trust Card


Fill out this form to establish a trust account at RCC Auxiliary Business Services. Signatures needed: Club Treasurer; Advisor; bring to the Student Services office, second floor of the Kane building, for signature and it will then be sent to Aux Business Services.



Student Activities Event Approval Form


This form needs to be filled out for any event held by a club or organization on campus.

This form is REQUIRED for any activity planned for your club or organization. You must also do a 25Live request and attach a copy to this form.


DO NOT use this form for off campus events.

DO NOT use this form for weekly club meetings.



Fundraising Form


Use this form if you are having a fundraiser. Simply fill out the top portion and obtain the necessary signatures. Turn in a copy to Auxiliary Business Services (ABS). At the completion of the Fundraiser fill out the bottom of the form and submit to ABS along with the funds generated from the fundraiser.



Email Blast Form



This form can be used to aid clubs in creating and sending an e-mail blast to notify students and faculty of upcoming events. This form should be filled out and sent to for approval and submission.

Miscellaneous Forms

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Necessary Forms (coming) for

Spring 2019 Convention in Ontario at the Doubletree Hotel:

Registration Check List

Registration Form Used by President only

Student Advisor Agreement​

Excel Room Assignment

FORMS Necessary for for Southern Regional Conference in the Fall of 2018:

AGS Southern Regional Conference – Registration Form

Everyone must email the chair to say if they want vegetarian meal or regular meal

AGS Southern Regional Conference – Campus Event Waiver

Everyone must print and sign one...COMING...

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